Uganda Rwenzori Kyondo - Coffee Beans
Light - Medium Roast
A tropical, juicy, clean and well balanced coffee from Uganda with a caramelised pineapple finish.
The Rwanzori mountains are home to around 600 smallholder farms which produce exceptional arabica coffee in a country renowned for the more commercially produced robusta bean.
Kyondo is a sub county in the central part of the Rwenzoris. Agri Evolve has been working directly with the coffee farmers here for 5 years helping them to improve the quality and volume of their coffee production. They have established a number of buying centres in this area to help the coffee farmers have easy access to processing facilities and to obtain a top price for a high quality product.
Masereka Adonia is the Agri Evolve Promoter Farmer at the Buying Centre at Kyambithi. During the coffee harvest his role is to co-ordinate the farmers, to receive and record the coffee each farmer brings, and to liaise with Agri Evolve staff who will come to collect the coffee later in the day.
There are 1280 registered smallholder farmers in Kyondo sub county, with an average plot size of less than 1 acre. The land ranges from 1600 to 2000 masl and this high altitude produces large, sweet cherries which after careful processing at the Agri Evolve Wet Mill at Nyabirongo give rise to a typically fruity, well balanced natural coffee. The dried green coffee is graded, colour-sorted, de-stoned and packed ready for
export to customers in the US, Europe and the UK.
Agri evolve uses 40p from every kilo sold to invest in local community and environmental work. Recent project include bringing clean water to local communities and helping young entrepreneurs to set up their own agricultural businesses.
£7.50 GBP In stock
Tasting and Cupping notes
Body full complex body
Sweetness yes
Clean Cup yes
Flavour Brown Sugar, Apricot, Plum
Roast Light - Medium Roast